Is the day you change

Am a bit beyond excited. 

Inspired by JJ46 and Little L I got me some caterpillars.

I have never witnessed a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis before, and I was enthralled last year when i watched little L's teeny, tiny caterpillars grown from little tiny scraps into beautiful butterflies. 

When I saw that they had ordered more I thought, Oh yes.  Let's do it. 

So they arrived today and I was ever so concerned that they might be dead - two days in the post in this heat. 

But as the literature says, "they might look inactive, but give them time to settle in"  So I did, and they settled and took off like little monsters.  

I fully expect them to be an inch longer tomorrow morning.  

I could barely do work in the afternoon for looking!

Keep watching for updates!

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