Alerted by my red top

Pleased to not have the long drive into the city, as my weekly half day is at home, dealing with work remotely. A late organised meeting with a patient and his mother (like me she was on ZOOM) panned out rather better than I had feared. While mother began by expressing some strongly negative feelings about her son being kept here rather than returned home. We were able to reassure her that there were very good reasons for wanting him to be less unwell before going home, and that we had good justification for making the diagnosis. Like him, she had suspected the diagnosis we have made.

Mid afternoon I went down to Southend  hoping to catch the waders feeding as the tide came in. But I was an hour later than ideal. However, I was pleased to be able to get moderately close to a Taranui (Caspian tern). Less than a minute after I got this photo, it abruptly decided enough was more than enough, and flew away from where I had seen it amongst a flock of Poaka (Pied stilts)

Chanced our luck with pizzas from the nearby Little and Local Bistro. The last time they were appallingly bad, which surprised, as when having them in-house they were always okay. Tonight's were superb.

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