Warebeth (Day 2269)

An early start today to get Sigyn out for a wander up the hill before she accompanied my beautiful wife on adventures overseas. After collecting some stuff along the way, I was at my first customer by 8am and got stuck into changing a hot water cylinder. A bit more of an involved job than the last few I have done, but I was done around lunchtime.
Next a call out to an overflow running, which meant the joy of crawling around in a very warm loft. Typically, the job didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked and I had to spend far too long in the loft.
After a quick, late lunch I stopped in to see the customers whose bathroom I will be replacing next week, then headed home to do a bit of paperwork.
Because HV was away, I zoomed to Stromness to check on the horses. George was too busy stuffing his face with grass to talk to me. Red gave me a bit of a snuffle and Jeeps wouldn't stand still to get a rug put on him. It took ages to catch him so I could get the rug on him. No doubt he would have stood still for HV.
Back home for nosebag, then out to see another customer about a couple of little jobs which I will get along to as soon as I can.
By the time I got back home again, HV had returned from adventuring.

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