Fifty years

Today is a notable date for us as it is 50 years ago today that we met. 
Hard to believe it is so long ago! I certainly dont feel 50 years older . It really doesnt seem that length of time. Well as they say, 'Time flies when you're having fun'.

M isnt one for buying flowers ( says he hates that they dont last long ) but  my friend Sue who I met at college in 1970 always remembers and sends me flowers.

Hot again today, so we drove up to the park as it was kinder to Fletch to not walk on the hot pavements and spent time strolling in all the shady areas. 
Breezier by tea time so not quite as hot so Fletch had another walk up by the dock. Slightly cooler by the water.

I'm slipping back on the blips.. must catch up tomorrow..  

Thank you for all the lovely comments , stars and hearts. 

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