Strike that. Reverse it!


Manic Monday!

Just another.......... Love this song but it does describe my day and life :0)

Busy day at work then quick dash to pick the boys from school to go through to Pinderfields Hospital. Just what they need on a monday after school, over two hours sat bored in the waiting room! Mummy fail, I forgot to pack the treats or toys to keep them entertained. Didnt cross my mind at 7.30 this morning. I must remember for next Mondays appointment.

This is a photograph of the new Pinderfields Hospital. I've photographed it before here I'm really not sure about the moderness of this hospital and when you think of the gorgeous architecture of the old hospital that has now been completely demolished its very sad. It was a choice between this one or a photo of the prison wall! Tough call ;0)

I'm in need of a strong brew and chill for a while. Hope your Mondays haven't been as manic.

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