Did you know that there are no calories in a piece of coffee and walnut cake as long as you only look and take photographs of it?

It was raining this morning when we got up, but it obviously hadn’t rained all night, so we decided to go out for the day.  It rained quite heavily as we started out, but by the time we got to Lechlade, the rain had virtually stopped, but it was enough, remarked Mr. HCB, that he wouldn’t have to water the garden.  We made our way back to the Cotswold Foodstore and Café at Longborough, which we'd visited a few weeks ago, where we had a Full English breakfast, which was very tasty and filled us up, so I won’t be cooking tonight.  

After I'd paid, I spotted a cake stand with a complete coffee and walnut cake, so stopped to take photographs of it, which was when the owner, Bernard, who was standing nearby, told me that as long as I didn’t eat any, there were no calories, and they didn’t even charge for looking or taking photographs!  Mind you, looking at it now, I could just eat a slice!

We then just meandered our way down single track lanes in the Cotswolds, pootling along and stopping every so often when we saw something that caught our eye.  It was very relaxing and good to be out together.  When we stopped, we enjoyed seeing all the wild flowers that were blooming, and also seeing the wheat rippling in the fields, because there was quite a breeze today, which obviously kept the rain away.

Of course, I took lots of photographs, but decided that the coffee and walnut cake was good enough to faff and fartnarkle around with using my iColorama app, to make Number 96 in my 100 Abstracts Challenge, which I am doing to raise awareness of the Mamie Martin Fund, and which enables young impoverished girls in North Malawi to obtain a good secondary school education.

NGULINGA completed her secondary education at Karonga Girls Secondary school and was supported by the Mamie Martin Fund during that time because her parents were unable to pay the fees.  She is very grateful for all the assistance given to her by the Fund and says that had it not been for that help for the four years she was at secondary school, she would not have reached where she is today.  

Ngulinga started at Mzuzu University in 2018, studying for her Bachelor of Arts in Education and firmly believes that when she has finished her degree, it will help her to motivate young girls in her community to persevere with their schooling even when times are very hard and things seem almost impossible.

Another wonderful role model for those in her community.

     liking yourself, 
          liking what you do and 
               liking how you do it.”
Maya Angelou

P.S.  I must thank all those who sponsored me yesterday, which has taken my total raised, including Gift Aid, to £523.75 - so HUGE THANKS to you all.  There is still time to sponsor me though and it would be great to get to £600!  The link is below:


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