I have decided to start going out for early morning walks again, to try and kickstart a healthy lifestyle, so was up by 6.30 and out by just after 7 o’clock.  I wasn’t intending to walk that far, as I haven’t walked for sometime, but was out for over and hour, in fact, Mr. HCB, who had been out in the garden by 6 o’clock, said he was a bit concerned, as he thought I would be back much earlier.  It felt good to be out, it was a beautiful morning and the bonus is that I have done over 5 thousand steps already today.

When I saw that the theme for Mono Monday was “Back to the 60s” I didn’t think that I would be able to use this as well as my 100 Abstracts Challenge, but then I realised we had got married in 1968, so decided that a wedding photograph, suitably faffed around with and fartnarkled might just fit the bill for both today, so another "Two For One".

So having sat down with a cup of coffee, I played around in my iColorama app and ended up with this - Number 97 in my 100 Abstracts Challenge, which you must know by now I am doing to raise awareness of the Mamie Martin Fund, which provides financial support for impoverished girls in North Malawi so that they can obtain a good secondary school education.  However, I will put a copy of the original in as an extra, so that you can see what we looked like on our wedding day, back on the 6th March 1968.

NJEMILE completed her education at Elangeni Secondary School with financial help from the Mamie Martin Fund.  Having obtained her Malawi School Certificate of Education in 2016, she was selected to continue her studying for a Bachelor of Education in Business Studies at the Polytechnic University of Malawi.

Once again, there were issues with her tuition fees being paid, so she requested that the university keep her place open until she was in a position to pay them.  Sadly, this happens a great deal to girls who complete their secondary education but then find that they and their families cannot afford to pay the university fees, so they obviously have to look elsewhere for funding.

However, many of these girls don’t give up - they keep persevering - and then go back to their communities to help and encourage other youngsters.

“Social change is brought about 
     by those who dare and act, 
          who can think unconventionally 
               and who can court unpopularity.” 
Indira Gandhi

P.S.  Once again, I am very grateful to all those who have sponsored me so far - my total is now £527 with gift aid.  I only have three more abstracts to do to reach 100, so if you haven’t yet sponsored me, do please consider doing so for this very worthy cause.  Thank you.


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