Butterfly Hunt

The weather was better than forecast this afternoon and we needed some milk so decided to have a walk across the fields and then on to the shop. And why not look for some butterflies on the way. I'd already captured the 'cabbage' white on the lavender in the garden (not sure if it a 'large' or a 'small' white). I could also have posted another shot of the skipper which seems to be a permanent garden resident now. I decided though to go for a gatekeeper, a ringlet and a marbled white, all spotted in the field across the road. We also saw a comma, but he was too energetic to get a shot.

I was the only person wearing a mask in the shop, and the only customer still thinking about social distancing.  I managed to get some milk but there were lots of empty spaces on the shelves, so there are definitely shortages, especially in frozen foods.

One year ago
Better Days

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