Triumphant Trio

This morning's medals went to three colorful characters. Darla, Captain of Team Dragonfly took a Gold in the Inverted Two-footed Balance. Betty, the youngest member of Team Black Stink Bug, was a first time medal winner. Her nick name is Stinky and she'll fly home with a Silver Medal for her third place showing in the Yellow Petal Power Pause. Standing perfectly still while balancing on a brightly colored flower petal is a very important life skill for Stinkbugs! And last but not least, Orwin of Team Mabel Orchard Orbweaver was thrilled to be awarded the Bronze Medal, considering that this is his very first AOG competition! Check the *extra...for a shot of Annette from Team Anole caught on a well hidden surveillance camera harassing a member of Team Cockroach! Annette showed absolutely no remorse and was heard to comment, "next time I'll eat it faster!" Surprisingly, no penalty was issued, only 'another' warning! Thankfully incidents such as this have been relatively rare during these Games!

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