
Another day passed as Vide-Maison. Not many people came and not much stuff left. Daughter and grandson left early afternoon as not much happening.
After finishing time there was a visit from Parisian who has done up house down the road. Knows nothing of the area and only visits now and then from Paris.
He let his dog run into the house before him. Gyp still chained up but obviously upset. He poked around and said he wanted a couple of things and would take them and drop money in when passing. I said no money, no goods. He said he’d go home (300m) and come back and pay. Two hours later I’d given up and let Gyp free and shut gate. He then appeared at another gate, holding his dog as Gyp was going mad inside the fence. I told him to come in, which he did reluctantly but Gyp of course calmed immediately because I’d let him in. His dog growled at her but she was perfectly civil. He then got his items and offered a 100€ note! I had notes for change but had to search my purse for coins. He was impatient and kept saying that’s not enough as I looked at coins to be sure it was correct. He then started pointing out 50 centimes and treated my like a complete idiot. I got cross and said I would take my time. He then stomped off to pock things up and told me to “stay cool”. I said I’d had enough and wanted him to go which he eventually did.
Really upsetting.
Drove out to usual track with Gyp which has changed so much over the two weeks we haven’t been then. Very tall maize and harvedted stubble fields . Strange air, rather like a sea fret. Very relaxing.

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