Hannah and Her Sisters

For the humans at the Tokyo Olympics, there are 14 rowing events, 7 for men and 7 for women. They also have a new "stadium" with stands for the spectators, but, of course there will be no spectators.

Not so much for the animals in the AOG (Alternate Olympic Games.) Instead of being in the stadium, their games are in a big pond 45 minutes away from the city. And, instead of the sleek racing boats, they have to use kayaks.

Look closely at the picture. The only one looking at the camera is Hannah. She is the leader and coach. The other 6 don't seem to care. Why? Helen, Heidi, Hazel, Heather, Harriet, and Holly are disenchanted. You see, their other sister Hattie was supposed to be the 8th rower, but she refused to come if there wasn't going to be any spectators.

"We'll get an eighth when we get to Japan" said Hannah. "Every duck dreams of being in the Olympics." I guess they don't.

In a show of bad sportsduckship, the other duck teams went "quack quack, quack" when the sisters didn't get in their ka-yak-yak.

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