
By momcat1

It was an afternoon of  excitement here in the Buddleia Stadium  as day 3 of the AOG opened up with the Nectar Drinking competition . Team Clearwing was out in force with 3 competitors on the field doing their best.The lone competitor from Team Monarch that made the finals  seemed to be confused about where the Stadium was and could be seen fluttering about in confusion between bushes.  The Skippers seemed to leave this competition to their team captain Silver , while the rest of the team skipped off to the Dephinium Bar for an afternoon snack and drink.
But our Clearwings gamely held on even in the face of (an annoying photographer) overwhelming odds. The winner here is shown lifting off form his final station to head to the finish line and the winner's circle!

In other news , this photographer had a busy day at the AOG, grocery store, church and a quick swim. and chocolate chip cookies. can't forget the chocolate chip cookies  warm out to the oven.

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