.... and breathe

Our house in Edinburgh is no longer our house - we received the settlement today  (with a huge sigh of relief.) 

There were times last week when we thought it might fall through or additional conditions sought and then there was a minor hiccup on Friday which took  until today to resolve.  I hope the new owners are as happy there as we were. 

If it had fallen through then it would not have been the end of the world - however I did find the sense of limbo harder than I thought it would be -  it does feel like a weight has been lifted.

It is also good to no longer have responsibility for it and we can start planning for work up here in earnest now as well as making plans for some short breaks  - we had been booked to go to Skye today but cancelled when we'd realised it was so close to the (original) settlement date. 

However tonight we shall relax with a glass or two of champagne. 

Edited: extra to show the sky as we sipped our champagne outside.

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