Tote-ally fun

A crazy weather day today - we've had heat, sunshine, thunder, lightening, downpours etc etc...Nate's been in shorts and wellies for most of the day.
The main activity of the day was spray painting these tote bags we found - well made and only 1,50 each from a wholesaler. We tried a few things, printing out the shape of ibiza and the spraying the inside (on the left of the pic) but that was a bit of a pain and the paper was too delicate to be a decent stencil really. In the end we found a wooden board in the shape of Ibiza so inverted it and sprayed around the edges. We've also made little cards by using a magnet and doing the same thing. They were so fun to do. We'll give one to each of the 24-7 girls tomorrow. Asha especially loved doing these. Extra pic of the finished results.
As we gathered the bits and bobs we dropped a blessing bracelet off to Sole at work. So so lovely to see her.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate overcoming a big fear of his and feeling super empowered as a result.
2) Shopping in the pouring rain with the kids - not sensible, but it was fun!
3) Colour and creativity. 

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