Lo Scoglio

We had a busy day, today. Firstly, we went up to Kendal for meeting with Steve about some new work we're doing. Honestly, it was worth the drive; face to face meetings are so much better for explanation, discussion, and agreement. And for just feeling like a team.

Then we popped over to see the self-isolating Dan. He is bearing up well and was in good spirits, and he and I had a distanced beer out on the decking while the Minx took a look around the garden and tried not to be too upset about the havoc wreaked by the sun and lack of watering.

And finally, we drove back down to Salford to meet Dom for a meal at Lo Scoglio. A sudden rainstorm had surprised as we came down the A6 but by the time we reached the restaurant, it seemed safe enough to eat in the garden, just next to this small collection of herbs. (The last time we were here, the chef came out to pick some fresh basil.)

Soon enough, though, fat drops of rain started to fall and we retreated indoors.

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