Towards the Brow

My plan has been fairly simply: office during the day, a FaceTime and wine with Dom, and then take a walk ending up in Kirkby for a pint with Dan when he finished work. Well...

For a start, I got over to the office OK but neither of my two regular companions were there. Steve was working from home as his kids are on school holiday, and Martin was off playing golf. Still, that meant I had the Sonos to myself and thus had time to enjoy Kraftwerk's '3-D Der Katalog' pretty much start to finish.

Earlier this week, I saw a post about a new Star Trek series called 'Strange New Worlds'. Now, I am a bit of a Star Trek fan but I haven't really kept up with all the spin-offs. I like knowing about them, even if I can't be bothered to watch them. I tried reading about the new series on Wikipedia but that was too dry so instead I asked Dom about it while we were FaceTiming and that was a far superior experience.

And then I went for my walk, taking the longish route out via Underley. Dan rang me as I was about halfway 'round: he sounded rather bashful and I knew what was coming. Thus, he went for a beer with his mates and I finished my walk. I took this photo walking up from Underley towards the Brow.

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