More cows

There was a time when I would run through a herd of cows without any issue. I don't think that bovine behaviour has fundamentally altered in the last few years, so I guess I was just lucky that they simply ignored me.

I think that back then there have maybe been one or two occasions when cows had followed me but I'm not really sure and, actually, I probably would have remembered that. Then an old friend of mine, Claw, was actually attacked by cows and even though I think that was to do with his dog*, the fact he had to be taken to hospital by air ambulance has subsequently given me pause for thought.

Regular readers will be aware that on my recent ill-fated (as far as my big toe was concerned), I also had a cow-based encounter although nothing so dramatic.

Anyway... after work today, I decided to run out along the Kent to Sedgwick and then back along the old canal. On this run, you leave Natland Road just past the warehouses, and run through a field to the river. Today it was full of cows.

From my photo, you might think that in a display of great pluck, I ran right through them and, having gone through the gate, turned back to take my photo. In fact, I took a wide arc around the back of the herd and went through a gate further up, before running back down here.

This habit of keeping cows in fields through which public footpaths run does annoy me. Recently, coming down the Barbon Hill Climb, I had no choice but to pass through the periphery of a herd that contained some calves, which would be bad enough, but there was also what must have been a bull; it was HUGE and carrying enough muscle to make it look like a mammalian tank.

All that said, you'll be pleased to know that I did complete my run and got home safely for a well-earned pizza and beers by the chimnea. As you can see from my Extra, Tux joined me and jumped up on my lap once I'd finished eating.

*I did see a sign on today's run that said if attacked** by cows, take your dog off the leash
**I don;t think it actually said attacked. Maybe "Bothered" or something.

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