On the window cil

I left work a bit early today, as my concentration was wavering due to tiredness. Not sufficient to affect me while driving, but too much to permit sensible answering of emails. I'd already managed to see all the patients under my care, and rather than risk getting too tired to be safe on the road, I headed off.

When I arrived back it was obvious that I am physically very tired, so I chose against either a walk or a jog, and instead took this photo of what is on the window cil above the window seat.

Perhaps I'm in sympathy with S, who had her second Covid vaccine shot yesterday. Apart from a sore inoculation site, she is feeling really wiped out after the second one, probably because she was only just recovering from a bad cold. Despite that she has continued to manage the new house project, freeing me up to mostly concentrate on work.

New Zealand has just announced a decision to make the vaccine avilable to over 16 year olds later in the roll out. Mr H is now 17. Young L will be 14 later this year. It frustrates S and me that teachers (and school children) are not regarded as either front-line or essential workers, yet they and the children they teach are in close contact with many others most of the day five days a week. Surely they must be vulnerable.

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