One Step at a Time

By thepoacher

The Way We Were

A German Gevabox camera circa 1951. Single shutter speed or 'Bulb' setting (dial at bottom right). Three apertures, 8, 11 and 16 (bottom left). It has two viewfinders, the one on the top right you can see, there is a second one on the long side that you use for landscape shots. I haven't tried using it but that would be an interesting challenge for another day. This challenge has taught me amongst other things that honesty is the best policy so I haven't tried to clone out the reflection of my bookshelf in the left hand chrome edge - it IS annoying though. The camera retreated in the background is an Italian Tanit Ferrania from the mid '50's. For the geeks out there, in capturing this old technology, I took advantage of the latest technology Nikon D5100 with a prime lens and high ISO.

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