Growing nicely

The allotment, as you know, is proving a challenge, but this one small bed has lots all squashed together growing well. There are 6 kohl rabi doing very well - I don't actually know what they are, just fancied trying something different! The only productive courgette plant i have has at last given me one fruit that was a pickable size. Frustrating as I keep reading on blip that everyone else seem to be picking loads. Then I planted a spare chilli plant in the middle there which has some flowers and lastly the lovely pale green of the corn. I'll have a handful of cobs, but better than nothing. We had a bit more rain today which will help.

I didn't include a photo of my tomato plant but I have planted a few on the allotment and have just left them to do their own thing. I will go back tomorrow and tie one up, as it was sprawling all over the ground, but others were looking nice and solid. I haven't pinched the side shoots out, like dad always taught me to do. I thought i would see what they did if I left them. I have some at home which I've done properly but they have grown very leggy and are only just getting flowers. It all seems very late!

Work has been busy as always. I am so glad I have Thursdays off. I've cancelled my Friday off this week though, as Mum isn't coming up now until next week, due to Manda and family having to self isolate. All being well, they will come next week instead and I will have next Friday off. I don't know if other people who are working from home full time, but not through their own choice, are feeling the same amount of pressure and stress building in their teams, but I can see colleagues cracking soon. I've had enough of it now.

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