Thursday's photograph (no painting today)

Trying to do a shop this morning. Noticed Asda was blocked off at the lights so you couldn't drive in. But no notices explaining anything. It was disconcerting. I don't use Asda anyway. 

The co-op had only one guy on duty, filling shelves and manning the till. The shelves were a third empty with notices of promises that they were very sorry and they were doing their best to obtain supplies, but it was beyond their control. The ingredients I wanted were not there. And a very big lack of selection as well. But the guy was stacking all the food colouring you could possibly need for the rest of your life. There was only one guy on duty, who doubled up as a shelf stacker and till assistant. There were two self service tills but they were out of action, and I saw two people walk out without paying for their goods as far as I could see and they walked past both self service tills (not working) and manned till. I looked at the guy at the manned till, and he just shrugged his shoulders and looked away...

There is normally a security guard at the door, at least one stacker, and one person for the till. But maybe the NHS track and trace app had said all the other staff had to isolate, and this poor guy was manning the boat single handedly to keep the co-op open and running.

I said some nice words to him, but he was a gruff individual, although I think managed to leave him with a smile on his face. Hard to see with a mask on him. His eyes crinkled at the corners.

But I think my mind went awol at this point, and I just had to get home and to bed...

Fell asleep for a couple of hours. 

Woke up. The world doesn't seem any improved. So posting this before I do a Sleeping Beauty...can I wake up when all this is over?

I need to be put on The Matrix where everyone is having good dreams, dreaming their lives away...

But instead, I get the apocalypse..

Now to check out Amazon groceries...


Last night, as usual, Popeye sits or lies wide awake (right under my chin) guarding me all through the night. I used night sight on my phone camera to capture this. Or I can open my eyes in the night, and Popeye has gone into upright sitting mode and is staring into my closed eyes. Very spooky to open your eyes, and have eyes staring back into your eyes.

Once I am awake, Popeye is lying totally chilled out, relaxed and floppy and his eyes closed...

What invisible demons is that cat guarding me against in the night...

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