Wednesday's painting...

... This was a 4 hour job...
I had allowed myself 2 hours, but time crept away with me.

I was studying Hokusai, First Manga Master, a book J gave me about 13 years ago one Valentines Day (his home made valentine card is still inside  )

I decided to use the first image in the book as source material and to learn from.
This was in the section, 'Landscapes, Mountains and Water, The image of Permanence'.

Here is my painting of it in ZenBrush2 
Cat was pestiferous in the last hour, and I am hanging on to cat, my cuppa, the iPad, holding open the book, and trying to draw/paint...and then the initially fully charged iPad died on me, it never gave me a warning, or I was too engrossed I never saw it. Resurrected iPad, and opened it up and my painting is still sitting on the screen...phew...

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