River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Random Flowers

Grey all morning, felt very chilly first thing (compared to our “heatwave”) and comfortable for doing jobs during the day.
Fridge was empty so I went off to Lidl and got lots of my favourite treats, shelves emptier than usual, was told they’d had a busy morning - blooming tourists!!
Popped over to B&M to get tinned meats for MrD.
After lunch I put a few bits of washing on the line, MrD was fixing the central heating boiler so didn’t want the washing to be in his way!
Constructed a couple of “teepee” of bamboo poles for this year’s runner beans in their large terracotta pot and for the “perennial runner bean” which has been regrowing for a few years.
Ate my dinner outdoors, fried salmon, new potatoes and mixed veg - MrD had steak and I think he was watching the Olympics.
Today’s flowers: white lilies which smell gorgeous but have been nibbled by a Lily Beetle, orange & yellow striped Day Lily (hemerocallis), yellow evening primrose, shocking pink Cistus and a chrysalis which is probably the Cabbage White Butterfly :-))
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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