
By ashep

The Pinnacles

Today was the start of the tour up the coast and I think I've already had a change of plans. I found out from our guide that the bus service that used to go to Exmouth has been shut down as of last week, as have the flights from the airport in Exmouth, so I'd basically be stranded there. This tour goes all the way to Broome though, which was going to be my destination eventually anyways so I'll probably just pay a little extra and stick with this tour for an extra few days.

It's been amazing so far and our group is nice and small so our guide is just making the itinerary based on what the group wants to do. We're all pretty much here for the same things, snorkelling the Ningaloo Reef, seeing whale sharks, and generally just being at the beach and seeing everything that WA has to offer.

Our first stop today was in Lancelin to go sand boarding, which it turns out, is pretty much tobogganing but in the sand. A lot of fun! Then we went to the Pinnacles, which is what you're seeing in the photo, and to the beach for a quick swim and some lunch. By nightfall we ended up at our accommodation for the night, a horse ranch in Kalbarri where we all just hung out after a long but amazing day1

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