You Have Been Warned

Today's challenge was to take a photograph of a sign.

No. Today's challenge was to summon the determination and fortitude to set even one toe outside this morning. It snowed during the night, and then Mother Nature capriciously topped off her handiwork with a generous slathering of treacherous, slippery ice.

Pacing around the house, chewing on the sign challenge, it soon became apparent that I live in a house quite astonishingly well supplied with signs. Do I photograph the sign on the bedroom door warning all and sundry to BEWARE OF THE OLD GOAT? Should I feature the quirky antique sign purchased at an auction years ago that now sits atop the guest loo doorway, proclaiming that here can be found the LAVATORIUM? Perhaps a shot of the charming needlepoint notice on the guest room door quietly murmuring DO NOT DISTURB?

No. Strap on those snow boots, put on that warm coat. Get your you-know-what outside! There are two more signs to consider out here. One is well weathered, and states in no uncertain terms: WARNING: BARN GODDESS PARKING ONLY (Could this Barn Goddess and the Old Goat be one and the same?), and the other is an aging enamel sign affixed to the barn door emblazoned with the words CHAT LUNATIQUE. (He is, too.)

The Chat wins. Mainly because I like the texture and colour of the barn door, as well as the chipped enamel with its resultant rust. Now for heaven's sake, come back indoors before you catch your death of cold!

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