
Purpose -1.  Blip, obvious.
Purpose - 2. Learning curve.
Purpose - 3. A timer.
1. As I said - obvious.
2. Learnt how to:-
A) Use new camera for a macro.
B) Transfer it to Computer.
C) Add it to the Blip I'm using as a
D) Timer.  
It was bought in flower 17th Jul '19.
It was just coming to flower last year on 19th Aug, when I labelled it "Late"
This year it's almost back to the same time we bought it, inasmuch as it IS back into August.

The one in the thumbnail, and extra is learning A & B above; which I took by phone as a result of seeing the wee green Beastie and wanting to try the 'phone's "Macro-ability". And to see how it "enbiggerifies".  I placed it beside the Camera shot of that flower & wee beastie just visible.

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