Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

Van Angus...

Not so little anymore - hes just over six months! Tara sent me a text message photo tonight...Angus misses me :( He will go by the guest bedroom door and just wait there - like he did every morning when I was home last time! He is a riot! My little shadow ;) Tara was just telling Angus that I will be back in town next week!

Today was really great. Still no voice though! Nice for a change. Until I realized I had a 9AM meeting, a very very important one w/ the central territory leader! I got a hold of my lead engineer and told him to dial into the meeting and take charge and I'll ask questions via skype. I also sent an email out to everyone explaining my situation, well, they had fun w/ it...understood, so I'm glad they had a sense of humor. Sometimes people at that level tend to be a little stiff.

Noah's mom wanted to grab lunch - so we went out to Pars...delicious Mediterranean and Persian food. Reminds me of my favorite Turkish place back home. We had Spanakopita / feta cheese & olives and we each had a big bowl of their barley soup...I could eat a ton of that stuff! We talked - well, I whispered. She made me feel a lot better - she always has a way of doing that. She is one of those people who I truly trust and she gives great advice. Definitely taking her advice this time.

And yes, Noah's mom and I matched again today. 99% of the time I see her - we are always dressed alike - same colors! We are so alike that it's not even funny! We like the same foods - I mean I can go into a restaurant and we both order the same thing - we did that once - put in our orders seperately and we ended up w/ the same thing. She is really great. It probably bugs Noah that I'm close w/ his family, but hey, he introduced us, I like them, they like yeah, that's not changing. Noah and I can be civil around each other - I mean we are both grown up.

Got back to work...caught up w/ a coworker who was on vacation last week...went through email...all that good stuff. Then went out for a walk - perfect evening. Weather here has definitely improved - 80's this week and sunshine!

Catching up w/ friends tonight...and I might have a visitor in a few weeks ;) Josh and I just have to settle on a date w/ my travels schedule and all. We are both looking frw to it - like he said, we are the closest things we have to home, so it will be awesome to just hang round and share stories about Kenny. We've both a difficult month - being away from friends at home.

Wow, it's been a month since Kenny's death. There are not a lot of people who understand how hard it was on me...or who I can call 24/7...Josh feels the same. I actually got a toast from him during dinner w/ his family...hum, a man who can express feelings, nice for a change.

We've grown to be good friends - we connected back home - he's seen me at my lowest point and the same goes with him - we were both sitting there at one point crying our eyes out for hours...for days. But we talked our way back to feeling a little better during those harsh days.

It will be nice to just hang out w/ him and show him the town/eat out...cry...laugh...whatever...just be. Josh mentioned the trip a few weeks ago, but I was focused on "other" things...wondering how it would come off to Noah and all, I was so very careful about his feelings. But that's part of being a woman I guess. Like I said...moving on.


A year coworkers dogs ;)

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