Tuesday's photograph (no painting today)

In lazy mode this morning.
Filled the suet ball cages.
Fed the outside menagerie of cats, Merryweather and Jade (Jade appears to be a permanent resident in my garden, so I will call her Jade in honour of my Jade). They know their names now, or is it the sound of my voice calling them?

Back to bed with a coffee and a tea. Cat on bed, so photographed him. He looks so small like that. Stuck hand and Pixel phone out of bedroom window and took photos of flying sparrows (yes I am still comfy in bed). These were the two that worked the best. I still need to improve on my flying sparrows, but not sure how when I have Pixel set to portrait to enlarge the sparrows, and a lot of these photos are taken blind because there is no way I can find the sparrow on my phone screen when it is enlarged this much. So, I am pointing in a general direction and if I think a sparrow is about to take off then I start shouting pics....

All is well (apart from this darn skin itching). The sun is on my thatched swing, so I can't sit on that until the sun has turned a corner and put it in shade. Temperature outside was 12C in the early hours, but has now risen to 17C (at 8:30 am). And I need another cuppa tea, and then on to coffee drinking (still trying out some different flavoured coffee bags I got for my birthday).

Composite photo of 2 different flying sparrows and a dreaming cat on my bed...

Take care...

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