Pallet Coles

Some sunny spells this morning, clouded over, and then some sunny spells this evening.  A fairly windy day, easing a bit tonight. 

Another late start in the airport.  Most of the day on the check-in desk.  We had a really busy spell up to lunch, and a late finish, due to delays on last flights.  Walkies with Sammy, and now feet up by the fire. 

I stopped off on my way to work, as I spied some coles (haystacks) built up on pallets.  It certainly it a great way to help dry the hay, plenty of air getting about it.  As always, I love seeing more traditional methods in crofting, even if it has a slight twist.  Note the kale and tatties growing in the foreground.  Taken at Clapphoull, Cunningsburgh.  

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