
By fennerpearson


Golly, I'm tired. I've had the loveliest day, though. Texts and 'phone calls and gifts from family and friends, plus loads of lovely tweets and very pleasantly surprising (but not saucy) DMs.

And in the same way that if you don't use Twitter, that won't really make sense, so if you're not a runner you might not get that my treat to myself was to get out for a run.

With it being the start of a new year - for me at least - I decided to go on a new route, taking the lanes for a mile or so and then going cross-country. Perhaps I should have thought about the recent snow and thaw before doing that!

Running across one field, I saw a large stream/small river running along one edge, so I diverted my run to take a photo. Arriving on the bank I saw this little bridge and I took a shot of that.

It's only as I sit here writing now that I realise how appropriate that is, our birthdays being bridges from one year of our lives to the next.

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