Inside looking out.

A slow start today. Began by sorting out the grandchildren’s beds in the loft, and vacuuming up there.
My friend came after lunch and we sat out here in the summerhouse for an hour chatting, til she had to leave and get the bus.
After all that deluge yesterday the sun has come out and it is a lovely late afternoon.
The garden has such a lot that needs doing! So I’m sitting out here looking at it with a mug of tea. It won’t be done today.
Manyana, (if that’s how you spell it!). Looked it up, and that’s correct.
There’s a very strong blustery warm wind, bending branches and rustling the leaves.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
Another thing that springs to mind today when I think of things to be done!
I have very desultorily dead headed one or two of the shrub roses which took a battering in the wind and rain yesterday.
We’re in a very changeable spell of weather.
Time to stop here!
I’d begin to nod off!!

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