I went to The Climbing Unit as soon as they opened this morning, the first time there in ages, and bouldered for an hour before I'd had enough. 

After lunch I went to give blood, which meant a 30 minute drive up the A38 as I couldn't get a more local appointment. I had to have two fingers pricked to check my iron levels as the first drop of blood didn't sink to the bottom of the test tube as it should have. The second test involved a machine... which showed that my blood was fit for purpose thank goodness!

Next he inserted the needle. Ouch, it doesn't usually hurt that much and then he said that the blood wasn't flowing which meant that the needle had gone right through the vein. He tried adjusting it and started to say " It's my first....." before he stopped himself.

So I didn't actually donate any blood. The only good thing was that I had a Kitkat, and once home I made another appointment but I'll ask for the other arm!

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