
There's something primal about being out in the elements when it's bitterly cold. It's good for the min, body, and soul. I pretty much had the park to myself on my morning trot.

It takes a lot for me to wear full cover head to toe and today I definitely needed it. Except for half of my left foot which took a soaking in a puddle, I was cosy.

I went before the weather really deteriorated. I'm now wishing that I'd snow proofed the outside unit on the heatpump earlier. It will make a difference we get some overnight and I'll need to venture out at some point.

As I left Jasper-the-brave accompanied me around the block. He was in full voice for most of that. I'd like to think that he was expressing his joy to be out in near freezing conditions with Mummy. Equally he could have been expressing "this is madness". The dropping temperature and heavy rain/sleet has driven him inside and I doubt he'll venture out again.

Today's gratitude: For a warm and dry home.

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