Another sunrise over Kawau Island

S' brother P, who works in Greymouth on the West Coast of the South island, came to stay last evening with his partner. We ended up being late  to bed, and I surprised myself by sleeping until sunrise. Went outside and along the narrow tongue of our land towards the cliff edge where I was able to get this photo. 

The first photo I took, the sun was lower and there was no light across the water. I retreated inside to put the kettle on for coffee, and was able to keep watch and choose went to go back into the cold to get the right shot. Rather please with how it has turned out.

The best weather of the day was when I drove into Warkworth, did the weekly shop and returned to Fidelis. Afterward, with one eye on the time and thereby the tide, and the other on the weather, I ended the day having four or five times decided it was a good time (tide about right for a beach run and the sun shining) only for rain and strong wind to discourage me. Had I not wanted to take a camera, I may well have gone out. 

Our visitors have just left , and I have posted this before settling for a warm and quiet evening in shelter. Feeling fortunate, when there are (even in "Godzone" as New Zealand has been known, due to the beauty we live amongst) so many people with shonky housing, or no housing. This world has enough resource that everyone could be housed, clothed and fed and the billionaires would probably not really notice.

But I forgot. They are billionaires because they use other people's share. Unashamedly. US billionaire Larry Page brought his son to New Zealand so he could get free health care recently. (He apparently has New Zealand residency!) Not only did he take (selfishly) resources that a New Zealander deserved. He complained about the poor quality of the quarantine facility. They are beings not human beings.

I am starting two weeks of leave, and hope to feel less grumpy by the end of it.

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