The second half of life..

By twigs

Small branch, big orange

Odd to see no birds in this shot.  I hadn't long put some fresh fruit out for them and was waiting for the hordes to turn up.  As so often happens when I go outside though, Minnie finds and follows me which effectively meant no birds.  It did get me wondering just how much fruit I have put out for my wee feathered friends this winter though.  It must be kilos worth........the bananas are always popular and on some days they've munched (do birds munch??) through quite a few of them.  Oranges and mandarins are also popular........

Nice to see the sun today though heaps of wind did make it a bit less perfect.  Still, the wind would be drying out the ground from the last big downpour which had me thinking for a while about setting the mower loose on the lawn for an early season tidy up.  Critical Olympic viewing was prioritised above doing that though so the lawns will have to wait.......and because I came indoors, Minnie did too.  The garden's all yours now my little feathered friends :D

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