Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Ashley Walk Bombing Range

We began the day with a swim, after which a family visit, including youngsters wary of dogs, meant that a walk with Miss Fluffy across the New Forest trails was on the agenda. It turned out that we're staying close to a wartime site, known as the Ashley Walk Bombing Range. It was established as a temporary testing facility for new armaments including the Tall Boy and Barnes Wallace's bouncing bomb (see some video using the link above) Some original features remain including this illuminated direction indicator found close to the path and a building so robust that it was simply buried under a mound of soil once decommissioned.

It's worth mentioning, a total of three pubs were to be found on this route, a route modified from that originally planned following a brief discussion I had with the landlord of the Royal Oak at Fritham. He was only able to open at weekends. All four pubs were struggling to some extent, having to moderate opening hours or delay serving food due to staff shortages. A difficult situation for country pubs, struggling I'm sure after lockdowns 1,2 & 3, now unable to take full advantage of the summer trade.

Perhaps less worthy of mention is that Miss Fluffy, is unaccustomed to both ponies and cows roaming close to her walk, so she found their proximity quite unsettling. I guess they seem like giants to her!

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