
By lucia13


Hello people!!Today is raining and my back pain is the same so I can't go anywhere today. I missed my art class again . Wednesday uses to be the best day in the week for me. that is a pity. I am little sad but how i always said : tomorrow is another day. and now I said: !!ONE BLIP A DAY KEEP YOUR DOCTOR AWAY!!..

I promised some thing more serious for today so . I think it is serious blip. The sky was beautiful last night . Many colours in the sky , I took a lot of pics from my window but the roofs were covering the best part, so I did go down around to take better views .
The sky change quickly, sometimes was like a fire , red and orange ,sometimes grey and black. More dramatic but i like it. It was a beautiful moment. I enjoyed i so much and I would like to share this moment with all of you. I hope you like it.
Thanks for your funny comments yesterday and for smile about my silly duck.

Have a nice day everybody. Don't work too much, it is not healthy!! hehe!

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