
By lucia13


Ha ha!Good morning everybody . Smile please. The sunshine here. This a good day. It is one the most important and special day to me . 19 of March . Our aniversary. The day I meet my husband . The man wiht a big heart. We will celebrate it next friday.(if I can) We will go to Cambridge to see the conciert of The Strangles . Possible the last concert of them.

I know what are you thinking . It is a silly blip but I like it. Sorry if I disappoint you but today I can't go out for a nice landscape. I was preparing my bath because all my body and my back is stiff and painfull today . The hot bath and sauna makes me feel little better.
I saw the bubles am I was looking how many diferent nice colours are around me . It make me happy and I thoght ir can be beautiful blp but When I went for my camera the duck of my nice fell in the bath and it made me smile. I saw it in the midle of the bubles like asking for help haha!! then I made one little red flag and took a pic . I like the spontaneus moments and enjoyed it.
I like the efect and contrast of colours . Maybe my humour is diferent of yours but the important thing is smile every day ,make smile and enjoy the life, it is short. If you think about beautiful or funy things you forgot the pain and bad things. Simple as that.Even if is for few minutes it is worthy. Don't you think so? My intencion today is make smile to everybody.I hope I got it. haha! Simple things sometimes are the big thing. make the life easy as possible and ejoyed it.

Have a nice day and thanks for the comments and stars yesterday.

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