curns' corner

By curns

Who's at the door?

We’re having a Netatmo Smart Video Doorbell installed. It’s quite the trend to have a video doorbell around here. I am not sure why but seeing who’s at the door when I am working upstairs will be helpful. It will be very useful when I am on a conference call to determine if it’s just a parcel being dropped on the doorstep or if it’s something that you need to leave the meeting to attend to. It’s very much a tech indulgence. We could have opted for a cheaper battery powered bell but they all seem to need subscriptions to a service in order to store video for any length of time. And the batteries need changing regularly.  Instead, on our behalf, I chose a bell that needs an electrician to firstly provide power to the front of the house and then install the bell. I’m quite pleased how it ended up.

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