Post-Olympic Fun Day

Gloria and Team Canada Goose were allowed to take over the water venue for a free-for-all swim today.  That's Gloria waving to the fans.  There was a lot of flapping and emotional honking going on as you might expect now that the intense competition is over. 

Despite Team Squirrel's gentle encouragement, Louie couldn't be persuaded to give up the snack bar in the Olympic Village.  He was allowed to continue until all the peanuts were gone mostly because nobody wanted to be a bad guy and kick him off the feeder.  (See Extra)

The venue was quiet for most of the day, Team Heron made a brief appearance but left before your reporter/interviewer could get a statement from Team Captain Herbie.  

Team Catfish is still annoyed with everyone and declined to give a post-competition interview. 

Team Beaver is still ferrying branches to their dam which by now must be approaching Hoover Dam status.  Any minute now, the Olympic Committee expects the water venue to completely dry up when they finish the dam.  

Team Hummie refused to believe the games were over and continued their Aerial Combat displays.  Officials tried to intervene but were intimidated by both the number and sincerity of the hummies to stop any attempt to end the competitions.  

Your dedicated Pacific Northwest Stadium reporter is grateful that so many fans expressed their appreciation and enjoyment of the daily reports and thanks everyone for their support of the games.  She hopes everyone will join in when the winter games begin.  


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