Part-time therapist?

It's all HIS fault, honest.  
I have a recent contact who admitted, quite early on to assorted "problems".  Some medical, some "mental". One of which was "24/7 loneliness".  "I'm not proud, I'll talk to anybody." - BUT - when he video-calls it can be a L.  O.  N.  G.  protracted operation.  Tonight though was excessive.  He called during daylight and I was out by torch light looking for a Blip when I noticed the volunteer Tatie in with the little Cherry.  Must have got in when I topped up the level.
The upside is that I think the poor lad just needs a relief valve in that, once he starts I never need to speak and can play a game, edit Blip - except tonight of course, catch up on other folks who've typed rather than dictated.
I even managed a swift Toilet break & wasn't missed as I could hear him chatting away all the time.  Got to feel a bit sorry for the lad.

B. T. W.  that's about as much as I customarily see.  Part of tonight I suspect his hand strayed over the lens, if the dark red was any criterion.

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