Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Hot Magenta!

A lovely lie in this morning - no swimming. Even though JR is still off, I had decided not to go, as I would miss the postman, and I've have had a flurry of online shopping over the weekend. My new cossie arrived yesterday. And my new Kindle arrived today. I'm still expecting another parcel tomorrow, so the new togs will remain unchristened this week!

At the weekend, my Kindle refused to charge. I did an online live chat with a Kindle Support chap, and he declared it dead. And out of warranty, of course. But he gave me a good deal on a new one.

Uncle A and I had arranged to go out bird watching at the 'Lagoons'. I have heard of these 'Lagoons' and thought they sounded terribly exotic. They weren't. But I wasn't sure where they were - now I know. Actually, I was very near them on Monday.

Uncle A arrived in his new toy - a new car. Was it a Fiesta? Anyway, it was a lovely colour - 'Hot Magenta'. I will blip it another day, as it was rather dull today and the colour wasn't gorgeous enough.

We saw some goldeneyes, tufted ducks, mergansers, scoters and redshanks. We Uncle A heard a curlew. The lagoons weren't exactly brimming with wildlife today, but I know sometimes they can be. There were concrete hides to sit and watch the birds. I felt quite professional. Must bring a cushion next time - the cold concrete seat meant one couldn't sit too long for fear of nasty conditions which are transmitted from cold surfaces through one's bottom. Even if they are old wives' tales, we didn't take any chances...

We had a good wander around, and this shot is taken as we walked back from the sea wall. We then set off in search of lunch. Uncle A remembered being to the Porty Indoor Bowling Centre, which had easy parking. And it was terrific! A sea view on one side, and a view of the bowling on the other. I really fancy having a go at bowling, and indeed enquired about joining one last 'summer' but it was always wet, so I never did get around to going. Seems to me that indoors is the most sensible thing.

And they chips were excellent in the cafe. Not that I had any, but I 'helped' Uncle A. I kept thinking he was flagging, but he was just taking his time - a concept I am unfamiliar with where food is concerned.

As we walked back from the Lagoons, I said to Uncle A, 'I want a shot of your new car', meaning, 'I want a photo of your new car.'

He replied,'OK, but watch out for the potholes.' Hehehe...

Anyway, I had a shot. And I got a shot.

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