Happy birthday #3 daughter

We left Pat and Dave’s around 10 for the long hot drive home, stopping off at Clumber Park near Doncaster for a pretty pathetic snack at the NT food place. We had a walk by the lake. The stately home, once belonging to the Dukes of Newcastle, was demolished in the 1930s. The parkland, being close to several cities, was very busy. Nobody wore masks going to the loo.

The drive up the A1 was very hot till we got to around Durham when the temperature dropped from 24 to 16.

#3 daughter and family had been to Gibside for a day out and were waiting for Auntie Cath to arrive to babysit. We dropped off the children’s bikes - the roads near our holiday house were far too busy so they were never used - and I was able to give her the birthday present and have a taste of caterpillar cake. (M&S and tooth-rottingly sweet).

We are finally nearing home with just time for a couple of days to turn round before the boys arrive on Friday for the weekend. It’s been great to spend family time and to see friends.

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