
These lilies are very strongly scented - I’m glad they are outdoors as inside it would be unpleasantly over-powering.

We are busy in the garden. Mr C has picked blackcurrants and I’m dead-heading roses. My Jude the Obscure has not done well. The blooms went brown and fell off. Boscobal is still lovely though all the others are over but hopefully will have a second flowering. The sweet peas are still prolific. Mr C is apologetic - he left a bit of the gooseberry netting off and the blackbirds took the benefit. The courgettes are marrows.

When we were leaving to go on holiday we saw our hen-keeping neighbour 2 doors down to tell him we’d not need eggs. He said they’d all got awful colds which the toddler had brought from nursery but they’d tested negative for Covid. When Mr C saw him this morning he said they had been very ill with Covid despite both being 40, no health issues and double-vaccinated. The tests mustn’t show positive when people are first ill. He said he’d never been so poorly. The nursery is closed. The local councillor hadn’t been putting the local figures on Facebook for a couple of weeks. Nationally the deaths yesterday were the highest since March. Medical friends tell me it is mainly younger people who have not taken up the vaccine offer who are most ill now.

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