Natural show

We’ve had a very chilled day. Despite his late night, James was up at 7.30. He and Nathaniel had shared a room last night and he said he’d waited for Nathaniel to wake but as he hadn’t he’d gone into the sitting room and put on Netflix at a low volume. Mr C gave him a Granny breakfast. (Muesli and yoghurt). Eventually Nathaniel got woken at 11. Ella and Thomas were up about 9. Then Luke and Ella went for a morning walk while it was cool enough. By then daughters and I were by the pool reading our books. The temperature has dropped to the low 30s in the shade so it is bearable with having the pool and not doing much. Yesterday was VERY hot

#3 daughter and family have to go at 4 am tomorrow for an early flight to Manchester. They have to get to a Wensleydale hotel for Luke’s dad’s wife’s big family gathering for her 60th. (She’s 8 years older than Luke). All his dad’s siblings and grown up children are going but there will be nobody Ella and Nathaniel’s age. I hope they are not too tired to enjoy it. It’s going to go on till Monday.

#3 daughter and Phil cooked a lovely meal then we all watched sheet lightening from balcony.

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