Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

London Day Two

Our day in London started, and ended, with food treats, of course. First we went to Megan’s (recommended by Hazel) and it was rather fabulous. Though they got the coffees wrong and so we got two free (huge) slices of cake (though we could hardly fit them in…) Check out my vegan pancakes (with chia & coconut yoghurt, banana, homemade blueberry compote, dried raspberries, maple syrup & pistachios)… nice!

We had a good wander round the ‘hood, and after a wee rest back at the hotel (very handily placed) we had another wander and found a great market and a pub, where JR discovered she liked a ‘Kombucha’ tea.

Later in the afternoon we wandered round a few streets to visit friends who have just bought and are renovating a flat. Fabulous place! They gave us a tip of a local pub to pop into on our way home, which we did, and sat outside in the sunshine. Then we passed another tempting pub -  ‘The Pig and Butcher’. Well, we didn’t pass it - we popped in. And most delicious cured trout with dill pickles and melba toast, plus thrice cooked chips, along with two glasses of rosé, were enjoyed. AND we met a handsome schnauzer called Otto. 

To complete our evening culinary dander, we popped in to an ITSU (which we don’t have in Scotland) and picked up some delicious sushi and a couple of chocolate ganache mochi for supper.

Lots of fun! LOTS of calories!

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