The rock slabs are really amazing here in the River Tilt and even though there has been comparatively little rain compared with usual, the rush and flow of water was tremendous.   The rocks are of great interest to geologists because it’s the location where the famous geologist, James Hutton in 1785 found first evidence supporting his theory on the origin of granite so now it is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Geological Conservation Review site. (This might be of interest to anyone keen to know more of its geology)  The walk up Glen Tilt follows the isolated old drovers route through the mountains from Blair Atholl to Braemar 30 miles away although we walked only the first six miles to beyond Marble Lodge before the incessant rain forced us to turn back but not before we had spotted various things such as red squirrels, many tiny frogs, old milestones. Also fenced off we saw the very rare Small Cow-wheat (Melampyrum Sylvaticum) flowers which are found in only 20 sites in Scotland and none elsewhere.  Our rain jackets had been on most of the morning as the mist got lower and obscured the hills but the forecast later was for heavy rain and within a minute of getting back it poured so much, causing floods on the roads and paths so we were very fortunate to have a good walk without getting soaked to the skin within a couple of minutes.

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