Jar/Bottle opener

My most useful gadget because with my arthritic hands i cant undo Jars or bottles. This actually belonged to my mum and i took it when she passed away 2001 so its pretty old now.

A strange thing happened this morning i awoke at 6.30 to hear Paula getting up to let the dog out so i thought its a bit early I'll read my book which i did till my bedside clock said 7.40 then i got up dressed etc and went downstairs had my breakfast then glanced at the time the clock said 9.15 i thought that cant be right 8.15 surely the clock must have stopped last night so checked with another one 9.15 went up to Paula and told her i thought it was 8.15 checked on my bedside clock found it was an hour slow. How that had happened i have no idea as i never touch it.

Its been a lovely day quite breezy but nice for a bit of gardening nettle pulling my unfavourites job.

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