Sweet Tooth

Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from the evil of a sweet tooth. What can a Lady do when presented with a gift of delicious chocolates? It would be rude and churlish to refuse them or to pass them on later to someone else. The solution of course is to eat them all by myself and to hang with the consequences. That is my best plan.

The downside of getting up early for exercise and going out for shopping before the crowds gather is that the rest of the day seems very long. To counteract that, there has to be a plan of action to prevent a certain degree of ennui. Unfortunately, no plan materialised today, although there was a protracted meeting with the Merry Widows to discuss the details of our Northumbrian safari next month.
Since that finished, I have swithered between the options for passing the afternoon and swithered so long that it has now all but passed and the unstructured weekend looms ahead. I will have to think up a modus operandi for it or I’ll be swithering tomorrow too.

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