Bright Pink (FF13_2021)

Friday again - so rather than try to photograph something outside in the wind I have gone for this potted Gerbera which can be brought indoors.

Seven frames focus stacked in PS.
Just for once I remembered to turn the image stabilizer off :-)

My other garden activity was to shorten a length of trellis and extend the top and bottom rails of the frame out to the side so it can be spaced off the garage wall.  Though not a beautiful piece of carpentry, it should do fine as a support for something to grow up and obscure one of the water butts.

In need of a good news story - this chap and his helpers have produced something very simple, likely to be effective and it will help people in dire straits ... I hope they all get some recognition.

Many thanks to everyone who looked in on my blip of Kenilworth Castle yesterday, and of course to Biker Bear for hosting Flower Friday.

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